list of arduino sensors

The Ultimate List of Arduino Sensors for Robotics and IoT Projects Leave a comment

Arduino LDR Sensor (Model: LM35)

This sensor measures the intensity of light and gives the output in the form of analog voltage. It can be used to detect the intensity of light in the environment or to measure the light intensity of an object.

Arduino DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor (Model: DHT11)

This sensor can measure the temperature and humidity of the environment. It gives the output in the form of digital data which can be read by an Arduino board.

Arduino IR Sensor (Model: TSOP38238)

This sensor can detect the presence of an object by using infrared radiation. It can be used for obstacle detection, line following, and to measure the distance of an object.

Arduino Ultrasonic Sensor (Model: HC-SR04)

This sensor can measure the distance of an object by sending and receiving ultrasonic waves. It can be used for obstacle detection, automatic parking, and to measure the distance of an object.

Arduino PIR Sensor (Model: HC-SR501)

This sensor can detect the motion of a person or an object by sensing the infrared radiation emitted by them. It can be used for security systems, automatic lighting control, and occupancy detection.

Arduino MQ-2 Gas Sensor (Model: MQ-2)

This sensor can detect the presence of various gases such as LPG, propane, methane, and smoke. It can be used for gas leakage detection, air quality monitoring, and fire alarm systems.

Arduino Joystick Module (Model: Joystick Module)

This sensor can detect the movement of a joystick in two directions (X and Y axis). It can be used for controlling a robot, creating a game controller, and for various other projects that require a joystick input.

Arduino Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) Sensor (Model: LDR)

This sensor measures the intensity of light and gives the output in the form of analog voltage. It can be used to detect the intensity of light in the environment or to measure the light intensity of an object.

Arduino Sound Sensor (Model: LM393)

This sensor can detect the sound level and give the output in the form of analog voltage. It can be used for sound detection, noise pollution monitoring, and for various other projects that require sound input.

Arduino Accelerometer Sensor (Model: ADXL345)

This sensor can detect acceleration, tilt, and vibration in three-dimensional space. It can be used for motion detection, gesture recognition, and for various other projects that require acceleration input.

Arduino Tilt Sensor (Model: SW-420)

A tilt sensor is used to detect the orientation or inclination of an object. It can be used to detect the movement of a device or to detect changes in the position of an object.

Arduino Water Level Sensor (Model: YF-S201)

A water level sensor is used to detect the level of water in a container or tank. It can be used in applications such as measuring water levels in a swimming pool or monitoring the water level in a tank.

Arduino Light Sensor (Model: LM393)

A light sensor is used to detect the intensity of light in the surrounding environment. It can be used to control the brightness of an LED or to detect changes in the ambient light level.

Arduino RTC Module (Model: DS3231)

An RTC module is used to provide accurate time and date information to an Arduino board. It can be used to keep track of time and date even when the power is turned off.

Arduino Compass Sensor (Model: HMC5883L)

A compass sensor is used to measure the direction of a magnetic field. It can be used to determine the direction of a device or to measure the magnetic field of an object.

Arduino Barometer Sensor (Model: BMP180)

A barometer sensor is used to measure atmospheric pressure. It can be used to measure the altitude of a device or to monitor weather conditions.

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