Arduino Sensors
Showing 25–35 of 35 results
Modules & Sensors, Parts, Sensors & Modules
NODEMCU ESP8266 Wifi Development Board
NODEMCU ESP8266 Wifi Development Board is an IoT Module primarily based on ESP8266 wifi Module. NODEMCU ESP8266 Wifi Development Board employs Lua Scripting language and is an open source IoT (Internet of Things) platform has CH340g USB to TTL IC.
SKU: ASM-ESP8266 -
Modules & Sensors, Sensors & Modules
PIR Motion Sensor Detector Module
PIR Motion Sensor Detector Module also known as Passive Infrared Sensor module. It is used for motion detection and motion sensing. It is occasionally referred to utilized as “PIR“, “Passive Infrared“, “Pyroelectric” and “IR Motion” sensor.
Modules & Sensors, Sensors & Modules
Rain Drop Sensor Module
Rain Drop Sensor Module is used to detect rain. It senses the rain drops and alerts instantly. Rain Drop Sensor Module can be utilized to monitor a variety of climate conditions and grew to become into a number of fixed output signal and Analog output.
Modules & Sensors, Parts, Sensors & Modules
SIM800L GPRS GSM Module is an inexpensive low form factor GSM module primarily based on famous Simcoms SIM800L chipset. Sim800L module supports quad band GSM and GPRS network supports quad band which signifies that it can operate anyplace in the world.
Displays, Modules & Sensors, Sensors & Modules
TM1637 4 Digits 7 Segment LED Display Module
TM1637 4 Digits 7 Segment LED Display Module is an inexpensive solution for displaying the output data to your Arduino project. Even though the data displayed is limited by numbers still it enables end users to display some characters too like A, B, C etc.
SKU: AD-TM1637 -
Modules & Sensors, Parts, Power Supply, Power Supply Modules, Sensors & Modules
TP4056 1A Lithium Battery Charging Module
-51%Modules & Sensors, Parts, Power Supply, Power Supply Modules, Sensors & ModulesTP4056 1A Lithium Battery Charging Module
TP4056 1A Lithium Battery Charging Module with Current Protection is an excellent battery charging module to charge a single 18650 lithium ion battery cell 3.7V 1 Ah or higher lithium-ion (Li-Ion) cells such as 16550s that don’t have their own individual protection circuit.
SKU: AM-TP4056 -
Modules & Sensors, Parts, Sensors & Modules
ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Module
ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Module uses the ULN2003 driver chip to amplify to regulate the signal from the Arduino. It is a low cost and light-weight device used to work and manage the little stepper motors.
Modules & Sensors, Sensors & Modules
Vibration Sensor Module
Vibration Sensor Module SW-420 is primarily based on the vibration sensor and Comparator LM393 to identify if there is any vibration that beyond the threshold. The sensitivity can be adjusted using an inbuilt potentiometer. When there is no vibration then the output is LOW and the signal indicates LED light.
Modules & Sensors, Sensors & Modules
Water Level Depth Detection Sensor Module
Water Level Depth Detection Sensor Module contains a sequence of parallel revealed lines to evaluate water volume in order to Calculate the water level. It is Incredibly easy to monitor water level as the output to analog signal is directly proportional to the water level.